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CD-TOUCH-MID3counter conforms MID homologation 
CD-DSK-TACTIL7counter desk with touch control counter 
CD-TACTIL-57Ctouch panel counter, 5,7inches for machines type serie 6 
CD-TACTIL-7Ctouch panel counter, 7inches for machines type serie TRG 
CD-TOUCH-NB5touch panel counter, 5.7inches for machines type D and 7 series 
CD-EASY-PCcomputer integrated in the counter 
CD-DSK-PCTACTIL7desktop with touch control screen and optional computer 
SP-EASYfor printing labels 
M410simple mechanical counter 
SOFTWINDINGsoftware to connect the machine to the ERP 
SOFTWINDING LITEfree Software to connect the machine to your computer